
The Positive Mind is a one-hour Radio Show and Podcast that currently airs on the Pacifica Radio Network. This nationwide alliance of Listener-Supported Radio Affiliates allows us to provide Mental Health education, skills, and resources free of charge and free of advertising. We also provide the show as a Podcast on major podcast sites like Spotify, Apple, and Google.

Hosted by Kevin O’Donoghue LMHC and Niseema Dyan Diemer LMT / Trauma Specialist The Positive Mind has evolved to incorporate multiple points of view about the day-to-day stressors and mental health challenges that many people face. For over 30 years The Positive Mind has been and will continue to be a beacon of understanding and validation for individuals and their loved ones struggling with mental health and trauma-related issues.




At the Foundation for Positive Psychology, we are devising and implementing short-term psychotherapy practices that aid families and individuals in crisis who cannot afford to pay for long-term mental health treatment. We strive to provide proactive mental health interventions and techniques to help empower individuals and families, thus preventing them from becoming a larger burden to themselves, their families, and our society at large. Click here for more information about the Kate Kalin Subsidized Therapy Program.


The Foundation for Positive Psychology is in the unique position of being allied with two powerful entities of public discourse.  The first is The Pacifica Radio Network and the second is Safe Conversations, an organization dedicated to empowering people with the tools to talk without criticism, listen without judgment and connect beyond our differences. 

We will be launching an initiative to teach community leaders and organizers how to engage in and support effective and safe communications.  Our trained professionals will fan out into underserved communities to teach their leaders how to support their communities to learn this powerful yet simple technique. We see this as a groundbreaking initiative, essential to promoting mental health and well-being in our city.